Simon Bernard, co-founder of Plastic Odyssey
Simon Bernard founded Plastic Odyssey. A former Merchant Navy officer, Simon has developed many projects, always with the aim of consuming better, changing ways of thinking, and better protecting the environment. Marine, innovative and passionate engineer, Simon reveals in his TEDx why technology will not be enough to save us.
Latest News
Philippines: two training sessions for local recycling entrepreneurs
Discover the plastic waste recycling entrepreneurs who participated in the training program aboard the ship in Manila and Cebu, Philippines....
Vietnam: Exploring the Ecosystem of Recycling and Plastic Waste Reduction
Part of the Plastic Odyssey team traveled overland to Vietnam for an exploration expedition, without the ship, to discover local recycling and plastic...
Local Factories: 2 New Recycling Micro-Factories Under Construction in the Philippines
DELFINGEN and Plastic Odyssey team up to build two recycling micro-factories that will be installed in Cebu and Manila before the arrival of the ship,...