The vessel docked for ten days at the J4 Basin on the esplanade of the MUCEM in Marseille before setting sail for a three-year expedition around the world in the regions most affected by plastic pollution!

Two days of festival for young and old
For one weekend, from October 23 to 25, 2022, the entire Plastic Odyssey universe gathered in one place in Marseille, the home port of the vessel! More than 2,500 people enjoyed the Solutions Exhibition, conferences, round tables, photo exhibitions, and interactive workshops, with a scenography made 100% from recycled materials.
The first official tours of the vessel
After two years of work, the vessel is finally ready! With much emotion, the Plastic Odyssey teams showed the public the inside of the ship: bridge, conference room, furniture made from recycled plastic, machine workshop, kitchen, low-tech equipment, mess hall, etc. Everything was revealed!
“Destination Zero Plastic” Conference
What futures for plastics? Overproduction? Magical recycling? Miracle material? Are there alternatives to what industrialists predict? Is giving up this material, the support of our civilization, an option? What would life without plastics look like?
Hosted by Zoë, responsible for the Human-Centered Research solution, a panel of authors, researchers, and psychologists gathered to discuss the future of plastics and tomorrow’s alternatives. All this as part of the Deviations research program.
Vessel’s christening and departure of the expedition
Plastic Odyssey left Marseille on October 1st. Relive the christening ceremony and the great departure.