Track the first navigation of the vessel between Saint-Nazaire and Marseille
The Plastic Odyssey vessel left Saint-Nazaire, towards Marseille
Here we are! After three years of struggle and many adventures, we are pleased to announce that the vessel left Saint-Nazaire on Wednesday, August 3 for 8-9 days of navigation towards Marseille.
The M/V Plastic Odyssey, ambassador of the fight against plastic pollution, is leaded by Captain Magaly Denat, with 8 crew members.
After its acquisition in October 2019, the vessel went through several ordeals – asbestos removal, repair of hull weaknesses… – and was completely renovated.
The vessel is now ready to navigate after several months of navigation permit validation protocol.
“After three years of hard work and many twists and turns, this departure from the port of Saint Nazaire is for us the culmination of part of the adventure in the Adventure. All these efforts and the unfailing support of the people who have accompanied us through these ordeals make this departure a great satisfaction for everyone.” says Simon Bernard, CEO and Co-founder of Plastic Odyssey.
Thanks to all our long-time partners and supports. This wonderful adventure would not exist without you!
Track the vessel live
Updated on Monday, August 8 by Alexandre Dechelotte
After 2 days of navihgation in rough seas, with a back swell of 4 to 6 meters off the coast of Portugal, we are now navigating down to Gibraltar width great weather conditions: no wind, calm sea.
The vessel is fantastic and holds up well in heavy weather.
The crew is awesome.
The weather is fine for the rest of the journey.
The arrival is expected in Marseille on Thursday 11 or Friday 12 August.

See you on the esplanade of the MUCEM in Marseille in September
From 23 to 29 September, visits of the vessel will be organised on board and several events – festival, exhibition, conference, radio set,… – will take place on the esplanade of the MUCEM (Bassin J4) in Marseille, before the official departure of the expedition on 1st October 2022.

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