Plastic-free eating
Plastic packaging can contaminate foodstuffs, driving up product prices. Eating in plastic-free containers often means better food protection and cost savings.
Plastic packaging can contaminate foodstuffs, driving up product prices. Eating in plastic-free containers often means better food protection and cost savings.
When we drink water from a plastic bottle, we’re also drinking plastic. Drinking water in other containers means better water conservation and lower costs.
Plastic cleaning tools release micro-plastics when used. These micro-plastics infiltrate waterways and our bodies. Using plastic-free cleaning tools helps protect nature and our health. It’s also much cheaper.
Plastic used in agriculture contaminates soils and degrades the nutritional quality of food. Growing without plastic protects the soil and guarantees better-quality food.
Plastic bags can contain products toxic to humans, and kill 100,000 marine animals every year. Carrying your purchases in bags made from natural materials helps protect our health and that of the animals. It also helps to support the work of local craftspeople.
On board the vessel, we are testing a number of alternatives to reduce our plastic consumption. Here you’ll find the list of solutions on board the Plastic Odyssey.